Sunday 28 December 2008

The Call

Jesus walks (a relative stranger) into your living room while you're watching the news. He looks at you, winks and indicated the television, 'I'll take you there. Come with me!' Suddenly, it dawns on you that you've been bored for longer than you can remember, and something seems to wake up inside-the part of you that remembers how it feels to falls in love and still gets scared of the dark adn one day wants more than anything else in the world to scream so loud that a window really breaks. And so, without a word, you stand, switch off the 'far-off' vision in the corner and follow the relative stranger out through your own front door.

Pete Greig, The Vision and The Vow

I've got a lot of decisions to make at the moment. I think it's getting to that time and stage of life where I have to choose where I'm going to choose to fight my battles. They're being fought everywhere, above and below the surface. The trouble is, we're too passive, too afraid, not enough to get involved. But fight we must, at least somewhere.

It is so easy to assume that you know where you are going, and that the plan of five years ago still stands. Sometimes it does, sometimes not. You see, we follow a living God who knows of what we are made, and he knows that five years ago you wouldn't have listened to him if he had called you to this. Or if he had, you'd have rushed past the waiting to get there. He knew the waiting, the groaning and the growing were going to make you into someone. Into the someone that he is calling now. Whether the battle you are called to is the one you expected or not, you must fight.

God plants dreams in the hearts of children, I believe that. In fact, I know it as fact. I am just beginning to see that when he does, he is serious. He doesn't promise something which he won't fulfill, and he won't call you somewhere he doesn't want you to go. The route can't always be planned in advance, because he will call you out when you're not expecting it, the waiting will end when you don't even realise you're waiting anymore... but until then you must wait. Wait for the signal which tells you where to go. I want to walk the road less travelled.

Only, from here I can't see which one that is.

Sunday 14 December 2008


bears its soul and jumps
into the abyss
end and beginning
plunges to this
clothed in humanity
born of the womb
awakens eternity
breaks from the tomb
time cannot stop it
nor break its fall
love my redeemer
abandons his all

C.S. Burroughs