Thursday 25 May 2006


It’s been ages since I’ve had time to think… time to muse, ponder, let my thoughts wander, dwell on something higher, and deeper and wider than the life that I live. I want to know the truth of the reality that I can’t see, and be used for a purpose greater than any I could come up with. Counting the cost-what is the cost. Losing myself… but to gain something vaster and more magnificent than anything I could find by myself or in myself. Why is it so easy to be content with the 2D, when there is full blown multi-dimensional full to the brim life to be living… I think, it’s because I know me. I know what I see. To push into the unknown is to risk all that you know, all that you love, all that you dream of-yet isn’t it worth it if I find something far deeper and more satisfying than my greatest longings fulfilled…?

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