Saturday 15 October 2011

retreating, den making. sunshine. silence.

Today I had a retreat day... It happened a bit by accident, but I think it was exactly what I needed. It started with a walk in the sun to the shop to get exciting breakfast ingredients -  I've been off my food this week, so it was catching up time. I bought salmon, eggs and bagels, and headed home to pop the kettle on. An hour and a couple of episodes of Friends later, I'd eaten and was thinking about my plans for the rest of the day. I'd had a tentative plan for the afternoon, which didn't happen, so my next thought was to head into town, find a cafe and hide out there for the afternoon. In the end, however, for a number of reasons, I decided that I would have cafe time at home. What I look for in a cafe is a good thinking space, preferably with a view and some sunlight, big cheap drinks and nobody rushing me on. Having the house to myself today, I decided all of these things could happen at home!

There's a space in our house at the moment that isn't really in use for anything but storage, but it has a big window and is south facing, meaning that on a day like today it is like a sun-filled cave. With a couple of blankets and pillows, laptop and speakers, books, scrapbook and art stuff, I was ready, and I had a cosy little secret den to hide out. I made a pot of tea with a stick of cinnamon steeped in it, and then hid myself away for the remainder of the day. It was amazing.

It's funny how you don't realise how much you need to just stop and be alone until you do it, and then your soul begins to breathe again. Also, there really is nothing like a room filled with sunshine.

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